Gain the skills and credentials needed to succeed in today’s workforce through one of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s online degree programs.
- 100% online and hybrid bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs.
- Online graduate certificates to complement your education and experience.
- Affordable flat-rate tuition for all online students.
- Financial aid for qualifying students.
- The flexibility to maintain your current job and lifestyle.
- Support from application and admission to graduation.
Find out why UL Lafayette’s programs have been ranked as the best in the state, as well as among the most affordable.
Graduate Certificate
UL Lafayette on-campus students can also take advantage of the more than 400 online and hybrid courses available in the University catalog.
Courses are taught by University faculty who have been certified to teach online.
Programs may not be available to all applicants. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette and its online programs must be in compliance in every state where a student is located. See if the program is available in your state here.